Just engaged?!

Yay!! Congratulations! You're engaged!

Now that you've found that special someone, it's time to start thinking about what the next step is. The decision between marriage or civil parnership—or even just living together—is a big one, and it's one that you should be making with your partner.

If you've been together for a while, there may be some things you've already figured out: what you want to do with your property or finances, whether or not you want kids (and how many), etc. But you might also have some questions about what happens next. Here are some things to consider before you start planning your wedding day:

-What is the legal status of your relationship? If it's not legally recognised by your state or country, will this change now that you're married?

-Will your partner take on any new responsibilities as part of the marriage? Do they want them? What do they look like?

-What does marriage mean to each person individually? Does it mean anything at all?

Now youve discussed what marriage means to you, you can move onto the exciting stuff! This is a very exciting time for you. However, there are a few things that you should consider before jumping in headfirst.

First of all, figure out how much money you want to spend on your wedding. While it is nice to be able to throw a lavish party, there are other things that are more important like paying off loans or saving up for a house. The last thing that anyone wants is to be stuck with debt after the wedding because they went overboard with the decorations or food choices.

Another thing to think about is how much time you want to spend planning this event. Most people think that they will have plenty of time until they start looking into all the details that go along with planning a wedding: finding a venue, booking caterers and florists, finding a celebrant and so on. It can get overwhelming quickly so try not to get too stressed about everything else going on in life right now because it might take away from your happiness later on down the road when everything gets closer!

When you're newly engaged, the prospect of a wedding film can feel daunting. After all, there's so much to plan already! But we're here to tell you: it's worth it.

Whether you're looking for a highlight film, an artistic film that captures the day in its entirety through beautiful visuals, or just some memories that will last a lifetime—we've got you covered.

We take great care, joy and love in what we do. From the moment we meet with you before your big day to the moment you leave for your honeymoon, we'll be there to capture every moment of the beginning of your life together in beautiful cinematic detail.

Let us tell the story of your love!

Contact Amber Moon today


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Wedding Sparklers: Planning your sparkly moment.